As we have already mentioned, there are a lot of businesses out
there that prey upon those that don’t think for themselves. These businesses all
spend their time on elaborate marketing, each with a specific person in
They tell you that if you buy their product, you will be able to
run faster, or longer, or your hair or teeth will be prettier, or you will have
more friends, or a happier life.
This product “gives you wings” that product “tastes like the
rainbow”, this product promises that all of your problems will be solved if you
have prettier teeth. When you read it in this kind of context, you can probably
think of a few more catch phrases that come to mind, and the products behind
those promises.
If you have ever been a part of the ‘target audience’, then it is
also likely that you fell into the trap of purchasing whatever the product may
be to make your life that much easier.
You bought it, you opened it, and with high hopes you applied it.
And waited. You may have noticed some differences, you may not have, but all in
all, you find that your life stays mainly the same.
But you did everything that the company said you should, and you
even bought their product to achieve whatever it was you wanted to achieve. So
what went wrong?
You bought into a gimmick, and became a part of a social group. You
bought what you were told to buy, without much thought to the actual results or
Don’t misunderstand, we are not saying that you can’t purchase
things that you see advertised, or that you can’t find things that are going to
work for you. What we are saying is that you need to think about the purchase,
and think about the advertising.
Be a critical thinker when it comes to your purchases, and make
wise decisions. If you don’t, you will lose a measure of self-esteem and
self-reliance as you only follow what you were told to follow.
How to purchase a product and not be a part of the target
There are some people that take this concept too far… they feel
that they can’t purchase anything without succumbing to the trap that corporate
businesses set forth.
There are actually a few things you can do to ensure that you are
thinking critically about your purchases, and that you are able to shop without
just mindlessly buying what you are told to buy and shopping where you are told
to shop.
Follow this list of questions and apply them to the things that you
want to buy. You may want to buy something that is popular, or that there is a
lot of advertisement for, and that is perfectly fine.
We are not telling you that you can’t ever do anything that is
popular, or anything that anyone else is doing, what we are telling you is that
you need to think about what you are doing before you do it.
You may want to buy something that is popular and that a lot of
other people are buying, or you may not. You can think about it critically, and
make a decision based on what you feel you need in your life. If that happens to
be the same thing that other people are buying, then that’s fine, if it doesn’t,
that’s fine, too.
So here is the list of things that you need to ask yourself when
you are buying anything. You can do this when you are at your home before you
are even at the store, or you can do it before you make an impulse buy. Either
way, it is important that you ask yourself these questions before you buy
anything, and you will be thinking critically.
1.What is the marketing of this item?
Before you buy anything, ask yourself how the item is being
marketed. If you see that there are a bunch of happy people, and that the
implication is that you need the item in order to be happy, then you may want to
consider walking away from it.
You don’t need anything that you don’t currently have to be happy,
and the marketing companies will play off of the fact that you want to be happy
in order to draw you into their schemes. At the end of the day, they don’t care
if you are happy or not, they just want to get your money.
Be smart when it comes to the packaging of an item, and ask
yourself if you want it, or if you want what they say you will get if you buy
the item.
2.What is the company behind this item?
Remember that big name brands are good at what they do, and that
they are only after your money. To them, every dollar counts, but they don’t
care about the individual people that are dealing with the items.
The big name company could care less if you have whiter teeth or if
your dog’s coat is shiny, but what they do want is more steady customers. Do
your research when it comes to the company behind the product.
Ask yourself if there is a better company that you could be buying
from, or if you really do have to get it from them. If you are diligent with
your research, you are going to find that you have better choices elsewhere,
almost every time.
3.Am I happy now, without this item?
If you are purchasing an item to make you happy, you may as well
pass it up right now. There is nothing on this planet that is going to make you
happy if you have to buy it, only true happiness comes from within.
There are impulse buys that look shiny at the store, and if you
stand there for a few minutes, you are apt to think that you will be happy if
you but it, but the reality of it is you are just as happy without it as you
will be with it, you just have to find that happiness yourself.
4.Do I think that I need this item?
There are two different kinds of needs on this planet. There is the
genuine need that you have to have something in order to survive. Clothes,
medication, food, shelter… these are all genuine needs.
That new outfit that you think is cute… not so much. There is
nothing wrong with purchasing an item merely because you want it, but don’t get
stuck in the thinking that you need to have the newest and latest and greatest,
when the only true needs are very basic.
5.Is this an impulse buy?
If you didn’t have any intention of purchasing an item when you
went into the store, then it is an impulse buy. There are times when it is fine
to purchase something on impulse, but you have to be careful when it comes to
these purchases.
You only have a certain amount of money in your bank, and a certain
amount of space in your home, so do you really need that statue that you didn’t
even know existed before earlier today?
Make sure you are certain about the purchase before you make it.
Save time, space, and money.
6.Can I live without it?
This goes along with the same idea of deciding whether or not you
really need the item. There are all kinds of things that you will encounter that
look bright and shiny on the outset, but you need to think about them before you
purchase them.
Again, it isn’t wrong to buy something just because you want it,
but you would be surprised how many things you mindlessly buy in your week all
because of the good marketing that you become subject to in your daily life.
7.Will it make me happy?
There is nothing that you can buy that will make you happy if you
are not happy right now, so stop trying, and stop buying into that gimmick.
There are things that you can buy that will be fun, and things that
you will have good times with, but there isn’t anything you can pay for that is
going to bring you lasting happiness.
That is something that you need to have all on your own, and even
though the marketing companies all promise that you are going to be happy if you
buy this, that, or the other thing, it is all a ploy that they are using in
order to get your money.
Don’t fall for it.
8.Who am I trying to impress?
Sadly, there are way too many purchases that we make to impress
other people. This may be friends, family, our boss, our partner, and the list
goes on.
Ask yourself, before you buy anything, if you are buying it because
you want it, or if you are buying it because you think it is going to make
someone else impressed with you or like you better.
If you have to purchase things to make other people like you, you
need to re-think the people that you are hanging around. The real friends in
your life aren’t going to be impressed with what you buy, they are going to like
you for you.
9.Will I regret it?
Buyer’s remorse is something that a lot of sellers have to deal
with, but you can ensure that you will never have to deal with that in your life
if you are careful with what you buy.
If you think about what you are buying before you buy it, then you
don’t ever have to worry that you are going to regret the purchase. You may need
to return it for a different reason, but that is different than you just didn’t
want it anymore.
Think carefully about what you are buying, and don’t be that person
that has to think of a reason to return your item.
10.Should I be using the money
There are a lot of people that spend money with other things they
need to be buying. They get caught up in the trap that if they buy this or that
they are going to be happy, regardless of other things not being paid.
You need to realize that you have your other responsibilities, and
no matter what else you buy, you will still have to pay for these as well. You
are going to be in a lot more trouble if you buy things on impulse when you
still have other things that need to be taken care of, so think these purchases
through carefully before you buy them.
Of course you are going to need to make this list your own, and ask
yourself questions that are more suited to you, but this is a great list to get
you started. Even better, at the end of the day, you have to decide what the
answers are, and whether or not those answers mean that you should purchase the
item or not.
You might have a rule that says if you answer ‘no’ to any of the
questions that you need to walk away, or you may have another system worked out.
Whatever the system is that you are using, you need to make sure that is what
you are sticking to when you are purchasing an item.
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